Okay, more excitement. Today I was happy to read a great article by Philip Marchand in the "Star" about how, despite gloomy forecasts for their demise, Toronto libraries are more than ever flourishing community centres. I'm a huge library fan. If I see the title of an interesting book, I immediately order it on-line and, in a day or two, I get the call that it's at my neighborhood library. While I'm there, I peruse the "New Books" shelf. Last week I went in to look for something about writing creative non-fiction, to get some new ideas for teaching - and found six superb tomes, just at my small Parliament Street branch. As I checked them out the place was buzzing around me - besides books, videos and DVD's, there were crowds using computers, magazines and newspapers, reference books and the children's reading circle. And, for a few, it's a warm, quiet place for a snooze.
Today, hesitantly, I went on-line to the Toronto Public Library site and entered my own name. Three entries that have nothing to do with me came up, and then ... my name and book. After a lifetime defining myself as an outsider, I'm triumphantly in the system! Four copies, the site told me, and one hold. That means that four people are reading the book right now, and one is waiting to do so. I was floored.
Whoever you are out there, Toronto readers, I thank you. I thank the librarians for decades of help and cheer. And I thank the powers-that-be that something in our crazy world - the public library system - can be so wonderfully right.
quotidian lines
19 hours ago