Saturday, April 30, 2011
cancelling the Globe and Mail
Friday, April 29, 2011
more wedding and election
giving in to the wedding
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
weddings and elections
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
click on these
Bruce just sent me the latest entry in his wonderful blog, which recounts his 3-month journey through Europe - and now he's up to our time together in Spain. In his posts, when he mentions a painting or a gallery, you can click on the link he provides.
In this latest post, Bruce wrote this about the Reine Sofia museum in Madrid:
"With the exception of Picasso's stunning Guernica, Beth hated the museum, finding it cold and sterile."
Do you wonder what link Bruce has provided for "cold and sterile"? Click and find out.
And here is a lovely little film about the power of words.
reading a ghost
Oh, why can’t I say what I want to say well, for a change? Why am I so stilted, why can’t I write, why can’t I be like Anne? God, God. My eyes are puffy – I just saw the movie Anne Frank on T.V., just read some of her stories over – I can’t strip away from myself the phony and sensationalist from whatever is underneath, if there is anything. I am coated with layers and layers of complexes and phonyness – Anne was all real, real.
I’m looking through this book for anything real - no, NOT real, I don’t know what it means – I mean, something that MEANS something, that isn’t trite and stupid – not stupid – unnecessary. Nothing. I’m full of nothing-ness. I can do nothing and my brain is stunted.
God, I wish I could write.
That was written on Jan. 1, 1967. I was sixteen.
Here's another entry:
I’ve just looked through this book from the vantage point of a 19 year old professional actress in her co-op in Toronto – and yet it’s all still very real to me – even the cloying self-consciousness of some pages I can understand and remember, saying things I felt “teens” should say and feel. I’m not trying to excuse myself, I hope.
It’s a shame that this book is really only a chronicle of Beth Kaplan’s aging incoherencies, instead of the development of a creative mind, as I’d hoped.
Always full of raging self-confidence, that Beth. No wonder the work has poured from her pen.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
a cold but good Friday
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
rhapsody in the key of home
Jake's Gift at Factory Theatre - must see
JAKES GIFTwhich she wrote directed and performs in as a one woman piece
stellar writing, lean and pointed
charming, moving, beautiful writing and exquisite performance by Julia
She has travelled all over Canada with it and into Britain and Europe now
don't miss it Beth
on only until Sat at Factory
not quite like last year
SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010
I heart Toronto in springtime
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
last pix

coffee before dawn
Monday, April 18, 2011
jiggety jig
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Chris sets off

a dusk walk and morning views
Saturday, April 16, 2011
What's the spiky thing called again?
Saturday and we're off
buddies in good times
Friday, April 15, 2011
tree poem for Patsy

Thursday, April 14, 2011
our day with Claude Monet
Giverny to beautiful downtown Vernon
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Manet, Monet and the boys

The weather has taken a turn for the ... well, not the worse, since it's what it should be. A turn for the normal - actually cold in the mornings and evenings, and not that warm during the day. Which is wonderful. It means, first, that I can leave the windows closed and don't have to hear the drilling and the beep, both of which continue unabated. And, more importantly, that I can work without feeling that sunshine calling, like a siren.