Still on the deck, after a day of not much - mostly mooching around. Slept poorly, feeling discomfort not from the incision but from a mouth like sawdust. Finally fell asleep, to be awakened by beloved daughter at 7.30 a.m.; before going away to a friend's cottage for the weekend, she called to make sure I'd lived through the night.
I did, in fact, get my will out before going to the hospital, and left it on my desk. I know, ridiculous for routine surgery. Now I'd better read the thing and see what it says, before putting it back again.
Last night, through my woozy haze, I had a long talk with my son, something we've not had time for in ages, or perhaps inclination. And then his girlfriend came over with a big bouquet of sunflowers and we all talked some more. I am not sure I made much sense, but it sure felt right.
Today, the powers-that-be blessed us with a perfect summer solstice, a light warm breezy day. I went for a slow walk to buy myself a treat - almost bought a rich blue delphinium at the corner garden store but heard my gardening mentor Dorothy's voice: They're lovely but impossible. So instead, I bought a Dufflet lemon tart at Epicure. Lovely and possible. Mmm.
So, a day spent reading, including two French "Elle" magazines. I've been reading Montaigne in bed, but he was too heavy for last night, pulled out David Sedaris instead, one of his most moving stories, "Repeat after me." Today, 3 library books: "Great Works: 50 Paintings explored," by Tom Lubbock; "Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending," by Dunn and Norton; and "There but for the" by Ali Smith, recommended by Patsy. The painting book is especially interesting, a new angle on how to look at art. Friends Bruce and Chris are talking about organizing a trip for the 3 of us to Italy next year; we were the Musketeers in India, had a wonderful time; Italy would be heaven.
Today, coffee and wine felt great, and walking too. Tomorrow, after a good sleep, I hope the rest of me has bounced back, and I can get on with living.
So glad all went well. See you soon.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Chris. Looking forward to seeing you all next week.
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling a lot better today Beth
DeleteThank you for your good wishes, Carole. I'm feeling tender but hopeful. Can't ask for more.