6 a.m.
7 a.m.
The view from one of my favourite places in the world: Bruce's balcony on Beach Avenue. I could sit here and gaze all day. But no, I have things to do: go to Chris's to see his famous dresses in the flesh, so to speak, and then the mini-ferry across the inlet to Vancouver Island to meet friend and fellow writer Judy McFarlane for lunch at the Granville Island Market, another of my fave places on earth, and then we're seeing a matinee of "Mom's the Word 3," a smash hit about women who are empty-nesters, which Judy and I both are. Then I'll get groceries at the Market, the soup place which sells divine soups and other goodies.
Perhaps you can tell I have regained some energy. But I'm predicting a jet lag crash about mid-afternoon. No problem, I'll just go go go till then.
The flight was painless. Confession: the plane was packed and they had me in a middle seat, which I knew would drive me insane. So I told the gate agent I was claustrophobic, was there anything she could do please? And she found me an aisle seat, saving the day. The woman next to me was quite happy there, whereas I got up five or six times because that's what I do. I also saw 2 good movies: Tampopo, a very funny vintage Japanese film about the transformative power of food and specifically how to cook good ramen noodles, and Les Choristes, a terrific French film about the transformative power of music. Though I also watched Minority Report on the screen in the row ahead and Arrival again on the screen next to me. My beloved Chris, BFF since 1975, was there to greet me, and it wasn't raining! What could be better? Except that Bruce's sister Jane had made up his bed for me. My second home. What a city.
Hi Beth ... Keep on blogging, regardless of readership numbers. Your stuff is a regular highlight for me. The photo of English Bay ... oh yes. And thanks for mentioning Mom's The Word 3 ... one of the co-creators (Barbara) for many years lived next door for many years to my friends on West 6th. I saw the original version in Birmingham some years back, during which one female member of the audience a few seats over from me went into hysterics and had to be assisted out of the theatre. I saw the second version on Granville Island and the first version again here in Zurich, in German! Enjoy your time in Vancouver.
ReplyDeleteAlan, thank you for your kind words. Several others have written to say the same thing. And the fact is that I love blogging and will continue no matter what, I suspect. Just saw Mom's the word 3 and loved it - what a wonderful concept and show. Congrats to your friend Barbara.