Saturday, October 30, 2010
Jon's rally YAY!
Friday, October 29, 2010
great finds
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Alice and Beethoven
Jon Stewart's rally, Toronto branch
To support these dueling rallies, the Toronto chapter of Democrats Abroad Canada will host a satellite rally for American citizens living here, to help Restore Sanity and Keep Fear Alive. One of dozens in the U.S. and around the world, the Toronto rally will be held at Spirits Bar & Restaurant, 642 Church St., just south of Bloor East, west side of Church Street, 11:30 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
A day of fun and serious mockery, Toronto chapter members will be celebrating the fact that 80 per cent of Americans are actually very reasonable people who do not shout at one another. Canadian themed signs include “Canada supports American Sanity-We Have Universal Healthcare” and “Take it down a notch America; we’re trying to sleep up here in Canada.”
transcript of CBC interview with our new mayor
This is an actual transcript of Rob Ford, whose campaign manager had requested this interview, talking to the national radio program "As It Happens" the evening of his election.
Carol Off: Mr. Ford, congratulations...
Rob Ford: Thank you. Appreciate it.
Carol Off: People are saying it's a, calling it a stunning win. What do you think that—
Rob Ford: Things are, things are going really well.
Carol Off: What drew so much—
Rob Ford, yelling: Coach, half your juniors aren't even here, eh? Alright. Alright.
Carol Off: Hello, Mr. Ford, are you there?
Rob Ford: Yeah, yeah, I'm here, yeah.
Carol Off: Oh, you're at some event or...?
Rob Ford: I'm a coach. I'm a football coach.
Carol Off: Okay, so you're at football practice, then.
Rob Ford: Yes.
Carol Off: Alright well, okay, we'll continue then. What is it that you think drew so much support to your campaign?
Rob Ford: Yeah, it's just people are sick and tired of the wasteful spending. People are sick and tired of wasteful spending, that's the bottom line, that's what it comes down.
Carol Off: Well there—
Rob Ford: You know, I'm the only one that can go down there [Inaudible, then, yelling:] Just go get changed! Go! Out! And get changed! Don't worry about the water right now. [Pause.] Sorry.
Carol Off: Uh-huh—
Rob Ford: So, um, yeah, no, people are just fed up with, uh, with, you know, uh, politicians squandering, uh, hard-earned tax dollars, and they know that I'm gonna get rid of the sixty-dollar car registration tax and the land transfer tax.
Carol Off: Well you know that your campaign has been compared to Mike Harris's Common Sense Revolution, to the Tea Party movement, do you see those comparisons?
Rob Ford: I don't see [inaudible] comparisons [inaudible] what, I don't care [laughs]. I just, I just know, know the taxpayers, uh, want, uh, you know, the gravy train to come to an end, and that, uh, Rob Ford's the guy to do it, and uh [inaudible]—
Carol Off: Do you think there are similarities?
Rob Ford: And, and, I don't, I don't see there's any similarities, I just know that, uh, like I said, uh, I'm, you know, gonna put an end to the wasteful spending, and, know, stop the gravy train—sorry, I'm being distracted [inaudible] so...
Carol Off: So—
Rob Ford: So, that's pretty well it.
Carol Off: Mr. Ford, do you think that though there's not people that who might think that their taxes are too high, or that too much is being spent on things? There seems to be a division in this city. People, in the, ah, you've seen it in even your voting: people who live in the more of the core of the city have different priorities than people in the suburbs. So when you stop the gravy train, some people want to see more public transportation, more bike lanes...
Rob Ford: Right...
Carol Off: ...others want to see better routes out into the suburbs. how are you going to reconcile that?
Rob Ford: Well the first, well the first and foremost concern with people—is money. That's the first and foremost concern. So, I'm gonna make sure our finances, um, you know, are well taken care of, and then we can deal with all the other issues, but uh, money's the first and foremost concern, and, uh, that's what my uh, what I'm gonna concentrate on.
Carol Off: Well sure, that's everyone's concern, but we're not sure what it is that you're going to save moneyon. Are you going to reduce public transportation?
Rob Ford, interrupting: Well I just told you that I'm gonna get rid of the sixty-dollar car registration tax and land transfer tax, so, um, maybe I'm not making myself clear, but I'm gonna get rid of the sixty-dollar car registration tax and land transfer tax. And we're gonna stop the wasteful spending, and not have $12,000 retirement parties, and you know, all the other nonsense that's been going on for seven years.
Carol Off: Um—
Rob Ford, interrupting: Anyways, I gotta let you go here. And, uh...
Carol Off: Well, can I ask you about public transportation before you go?
Rob Ford: Pardon me? I can't talk to you right now—I'm really, I'm on a really tight schedule, so I hate to be rude, but I gotta let you go, and we can chat another time. Really nice talking to you, all the best, buh-bye.
As the man says, "THAT'S PRETTY WELL IT."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Listen to the idiot, in case you wondered
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ford and depression
facing the moron
Monday, October 25, 2010
this hideous election
Sunday, October 24, 2010
celebrating Eleanor and voting for Joe
Friday, October 22, 2010
peace, at last - for now
Thursday, October 21, 2010
cute but dumb
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
only good news today
Sunday, October 17, 2010
no complaints here

I woke up and rushed around, thinking it was Monday when I teach two classes - but it was Sunday! Day of REST. And the Sunday "Star" included a free, condensed version of the "New York Times," how great is that.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
tu whit tu whoo
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
too thrilling not to share
Saturday, October 9, 2010
cutting back, for awhile
Friday, October 8, 2010
nature watch
THE BOOK and how to order it

Thursday, October 7, 2010
letter to the sparkly new "Globe"
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
thanks to the Y
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
listen to the rhythm of the falling ...
Monday, October 4, 2010
sure feels like fall
Saturday, October 2, 2010
the disgusting Liberal Party of Canada
I loathe the Conservatives and know the NDP can't make a government, so have been doing my best to support the Liberals. But with that one move, my allegiance is over. The party, once more, shows its cowardice, hypocrisy and lack of principles. A disgusting display. I cannot tell you strongly enough how appalled and angry I am.