I woke up and rushed around, thinking it was Monday when I teach two classes - but it was Sunday! Day of REST. And the Sunday "Star" included a free, condensed version of the "New York Times," how great is that.
And so to really relax, I went to a runfit class at the Y, a strenuous workout after which I thanked my body just for getting through. And later went for a bike ride in the gorgeous fall sunshine on the Don Valley Trail, as you can see. That's Michael Ondaatje's "Skin of a Lion" Bloor Street Viaduct.
And then cooked, as always, while listening to Eleanor Wachtel - today interviewing John le Carré who actually has a very ordinary British name, and speaks in the most beautifully articulate and modulated voice, like Laurence Olivier's. What a pleasure to listen to two highly intelligent and interesting people chat with each other, while making pork chops, potato/leek/green bean salad and, yet again, ratatouille.
An article in the "Times" about a reporter following a popular Democrat incumbent as he campaigns door to door - everyone, every single person he encounters, complained about something, even things not remotely the government's fault. This is the backlash to Obama the Miracle Worker - there are no miracles, so let's blame someone. It's profoundly sad and scary.
But the sky is bright, even if we are not.
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