My outdoor office in the courtyard of the Casa Gonzales
Modern Mexico City from the Turibus
Lovely old Mexico City, ditto
La Plaza de la Constitucion this morning - teachers on strike had camped out overnight
I could not get through to the Palacio Nacional to see the Diego Rivera murals - and then heard it was closed in any case. Many, many police, hundreds of tents, chaos. School started yesterday.
The French influence here - this sweet shop could be in Paris.
There is lots of wonderful street sculpture here, including many benches. This is one.
The Palacio Belles Artes has a baroque exterior but inside is magnificently deco, marble and brass.
The elevator doors.
A café. Can you see the type at the top right?
The exterior.
Calendars on sale at a news stand on the street.
Along many streets are not just fruit and juice vendors but entire mini-kitchens. This is just outside the hotel.
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