A terrific article about being asked to write for free ... which I am posting, yes, without paying royalties. I used to publish many articles in "Facts and Arguments" in the "Globe," which paid a measly $100 for half a page of content. When they stopped paying even that, I stopped writing for them - though I do encourage my students to send pieces, as a way to get started. God knows, there's little enough money in this business without professional writers being offered nothing, zero, zip, nada for their work.
Published: October 26, 2013
One of my favourite Peggy Atwood stories (probably apocryphal but believable of her): She was seated at a dinner party next to a well-known physician. When he learned who she was, he mentioned that he thought he might like to try writing after he retired. “Yes,” replied Atwood, “and after I retire I think I’d like to try brain surgery.”
ReplyDeleteFamous story, Chris, and one of my favourites.