Dear readers, a few bits of business:
1. WRITE IN THE HOUSE SUNDAY FEB. 1: After my summer Write in the Garden workshop, the writers who'd spent the day scribbling in my garden asked if I'd organize the same event again six months later. So on Sunday Feb. 1, almost all of them are returning to write not in the garden but all over my house. There are one or two spots still available. The joy of on the spot writing is what I call memory work; with the challenge of putting stories down quickly, without mulling, come impromptu memories and thoughts, often startling the writer. And there is no obligation to read.
We start at 10.30 a.m. with coffee and writing prompts, eventually gathering to read - or not read. Then lunch and a bit of wine, more writing and reading and a bit more wine, till about 5.30. If you're interested, please let me know. The cost for the full day of writing, food and beverages is $150.
2. SO TRUE READINGS: Please note that on Sunday March 1 we are holding the next in our So True reading series at the Black Swan - information at Please consider attending - and if you've worked with me before and are interested in participating, please send me a dramatic essay of 1200 - 1400 words on the topic Epiphany by the end of January.
3. ROOMS FOR RENT: I am going away as usual, from around March 19 to around April 23. My tenant and friend (and former writing student) Carol will be here in her attic room keeping the house running, but my bedroom and the spare room will be empty. If you know anyone coming to Toronto - or who wants to come to Toronto - for a few weeks at that time and would like to live in a huge and beautiful (if I say so myself) house downtown, please let me know.
4. COTTAGE WANTED: And - looking WAAY ahead - I would like to rent a cottage in August for a week, for my family - preferably less than 3 hours from Toronto. If you have a cottage or know of a cottage that would be suitable for my decrepit self plus my daughter, her new baby and 3 year old son, please get in touch.
Thank you for your kind attention. Over and out,
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