I said to Juliet, as we left the restaurant last night, "If I could write as simply and well as they cooked that pork chop, I'd be happy." Juliet, whose interesting blog to the left always has great photos, and I had dinner at a wonderful bistro in the 5th, Au Bon Coin, which is of course recommended in my Guide du Routard. A simple room, and since my stomach was still settling, I had a simple meal - a chop, peas, mashed potatoes. So delicious. The chop crusty on the outside but tender in a fantastic sauce. With a great wine.
There were only French people in the place, always a good sign, except at the table next to ours, where sat two American woman who were regulars. (And who were there nearly as early as we were; the French arrived an hour or two later.) Elisabeth is a non-fiction writer with a book out about lobsters, and Frances has a blog. Much talk of the joys of Paris - Frances has bought an apartment here and comes from the States as often as possible. A warm encounter and a great dinner too. Juliet took many pictures and will blog about it in detail at some point. The whole world is blogging.
My last day in Paris and it's very wet. I have not done so many things. I did not see the Bonnard exhibit at the Orsay or the Poussin opening today at the Louvre and so much else. And - miracle - I have bought very little. I discovered one of the wheels on my suitcase was destroyed on the way over - no wonder it was so much work getting in from CDG! I had to buy a new case and would only get the one on sale, which turned out to be quite a bit smaller than the one I was leaving. So I can't buy stuff, because there's absolutely no room. A hint for shopaholics: small suitcase.
Winding down. I will drink a little glass of wine in my room, do some more work, take myself out to dinner at another Routard place nearby. The best part of the trip: seeing old friends, Michele and Daniel, the Daudiers. Chartres and visiting Dad at the Jardin des Plantes and leaving my book at the Abbey Bookshop. Walking walking walking. Eating eating eating. Today, munching a croissant, so flaky, rich and light, as I walked in the rain. I may never eat another piece of bread again. Ha ha.
Most importantly - getting a fresh start on the 1979 memoir. I have a new first chapter and have done extensive editing on the rest - so I'm about 100 pages in to the second draft.
Tomorrow, London. Not sure about the internet there. Onward.
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