And so it starts. My grandson on the right and his two best friends, all under the age of three, pissing against a wall. As Anna writes - It's official, spring has sprung. So happy to hear that. Much much much love.
And now - back to Florence.
click to enlarge
Ponte Vecchio
Leading to the Piazza Signorina
One of the markets
The Piazza - renaissance flag throwers in costume
A miscellaneous door knocker
A miscellaneous Michaelangelo. Ha, not miscellaneous at all. Bruce knows that the Uffizzi is easy to get into at 5 - and sure enough, no line. He gave me the hour and a half tour of masterpieces - incredible. And I resolved not to photograph anything, it was all too overwhelming. But this - I had never noticed that Mary has a book in her lap. She's often portrayed in the Annunciation pictures reading, before being interrupted by the angel to tell her she's miraculously with child - hello little sperm bird! - but here she's a busy mother with a very solid bambino and still, trying to get a little reading done. So beautiful.
The Palazzo Vecchio, seen from the top floor of the Hotel Torre Guelfa - Bruce knew about this place, which has a tiny bar at the very top where you can sit outside with a glass of wine and drink in both Chianti and skyline. Paradise, especially as today was the most perfect weather of all.
The view in one direction ...
... and the view in the other. We talked to a couple from San Jose - gun control, Jon Stewart, the joys of Italy, while quaffing our wine, listening to the Sunday church bells sound and watching the swallows wheel through the sky. Sublime. Unforgettable, thanks to my dear Brucie.
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