Just trolling on FB - and there it was, the announcement that Macca, our beloved PMc, is coming to the Air Canada Centre on Oct. 17. Yay yay yay. So here's my question - do any of you out there know anyone who knows someone who knows how to get good seats? I'm a member of the Macca website and got a seat through it last time, but even though I started trying just as the site opened for the sale of these particular tickets, my seat was way on the side. How do people get up close? I guess they pay an enormous amount of money or know someone. Anyone, I thought I'd put it out there.
GOOD MACCA TICKETS ... information, please.
I'm immersed in the world of music these day - my dear friend the musician Shari Ulrich was staying with me for a few days, leaving her violin, mandolin and several guitars in the front hall. She practiced on my piano, including the beautiful song "Flying" which I first heard her sing in 1975, the year we became friends, she performing with Pied Pumkin and I with the Valhallelujah Rangers. Forty years ago! She suggested I get a Beatle piano music book, which this afternoon, I did, am already picking out a simple version of Yesterday. She is now performing at Owen Sound's Summerfolk which sounds wonderful - hope to get there next year.
A friend just invited me to her cottage for the weekend, and I said thank you very much, another time. I would love, just love to be at a cottage, to dive into a lake and walk in the woods. But I'm sitting here looking at the dusk light touch the flowers, listening to the sparrows going to sleep, with absolutely nothing on the schedule for the weekend except delving into my writing project, maybe seeing the family across town, maybe not. Eating drinking sleeping reading writing - does it get better than that? So renting a car and driving for two hours, though it would take me to a serene woodland retreat, is not on the agenda. I'm becoming a happy recluse.
Except for on October 17, when I would like to be front row centre, throwing Paul copies of my book.
Hey you can also enjoy your weekend by watching online upcoming films. Watch Walk in the Woods Online in HD quality without any interruption.