Such beautiful weather these days - hot and sunny, after a spell of dreadful cold. I'd already put my winter comforter on the bed, now have to take it off. Yet it's a melancholy time, I find, because we know this is the last gasp of good weather before everything shuts down, all the colour and scent, and the cold grey takes over. I went into the garden to collect the last of the cherry tomatoes and beans - have not had to buy a tomato all summer, but soon I will. Cut a few of the last roses to bring in, to keep me company. Have started to feed the birds again, after letting them forage all summer. Am shifting the clothes - all those light, bright summer things put away, thick sweaters and warm pants and boots out. I made a beef stew, hearty fall fare.
I feel sad with the dying of the light - also because tomorrow would have been my mother's 92nd birthday. But I can call her sister and we'll wish her well together. And tomorrow, happily, is my first piano lesson in months. I've been practicing as I never did when I was a kid, 20 minutes a day when possible - starting a new easy bit of Chopin, heaven, and an easy version of - of course - "Yesterday". But then, when there's a piece I know really well that I don't play for a while, it vanishes, I've completely forgotten where the fingers go. Frustrating! 65-year old holes in the brain.
A new term started at U of T yesterday - a full class with profoundly moving and interesting stories already. On Monday, my student and friend Lina Di Carlo came to the Ryerson class to bring me a copy of her memoir, which after two years of writing with me editing, and then extensive copy editing from first Terry Poulton and then Chris Cameron, she published last month. It's a work of art, and I'm very proud of her. Lina has been in a wheelchair since contracting polio in her Italian village at the age of 10 months, but nothing has stopped her fierce drive for accomplishment and experience. And now she has chronicled it all in "Just Watch Me." Brava, Lina.
And ... the election. So many emails flying back and forth, so much pouring out on FB, so many people united in their contempt for Harper, his party, his tricks. Will they be enough to oust him? The story of the campaign is Justin Trudeau emerging as a highly credible alternative. Go Justin! I may change the sign on my fence from NDP to Liberal. This is strategic voting. Both candidates in my riding are good, but I want everyone, everyone to vote Liberal now. The NDP has lost momentum and cannot win; Justin might, or even if he comes close, he and Mulcair can form a coalition.
Yesterday I'd lost heart; today not so much. With all the hideousness right now in the world - Syria, shootings in the US, the bombing of a hospital ... maybe there will be good news in Canada, to go with the sun that shone on us today.
If you want to read something heartening, please take in my friend Chris's post to the left, about a Craigslist ad. Beautiful. There is hope. There is hope.
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