Well, to paraphrase Sally Fields, they liked it, they really liked it - our eighth So True reading event yesterday afternoon. People are so kind! Many nice things were said by audience members; emails flew back and forth. The students who read were universally articulate and pleased. Here's one:
It was truly a thrill. Thank you for creating the environment that enabled us to realize our potential as writers in such an enjoyable and fulfilling way. Sitting there in the dark experiencing with great pleasure the work of our classmates and friends, I felt tremendously privileged to be a part of such a talented and committed group. So I thank you for your passion, leadership and hard work in creating this wonderful event, and for inviting me to be part of it. We’re all feeling enthused and inspired, thanks to you, Beth.
So glad it works! I realized yesterday why I am always exhausted afterwards, though. The process of choosing and editing stories starts months beforehand, and then during the show itself, I sit there like a mother bird watching as each reader triumphs. Yesterday, they were all marvellous, surprising themselves, I think, with the ease and skill of their performances and the rapturous reception to their writing work. It's a joy.
Then it's my turn. I stand up to finish the evening, say something wise and witty and then either tell a story of my own or read one. I may have self-confidence as a teacher and editor but not so much as a performer. Despite my years on the stage, I am full of self-doubt as a reader and speaker.
And then it's over, everyone says how much they loved it, and I sometimes believe them. Several audience members said they were going to take my course, and former students said they are anxious to submit for the next event. Which will take place October 30. Topic, in honour of Hallowe'en: DISGUISE.
It's way too hot for May. Today I bought a big purple elephant wading pool that caused much delight. I carried it home from Home Hardware on my head.
And then, after a visit to the Farm and supper, we settled for a second or two. Two little boys is a lot, really really a lot, of work.
David Sedaris protested once about friends visiting with "their wrecking crew of three." Anna visits with her wrecking crew of two, and I love every minute. (Incidentally, that little boy above was born with a club foot, and thanks to Sick Kids and the dedication of his mother, look at those perfect little footies.)
Paul Krugman writes in the NYT today that Donald Trump will not win. I'm going with that.
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