Suddenly the weather changed - it was actually quite cold for a bit. Summer is winding down. I am still ploughing through cucumbers and tomatoes, give me strength. And the book, ditto.
Saw Kathleen Trotter again, for my detailed list of exercises. My right hip tilts forward and my right shoulder droops, leading to pain on my compensating left side. I now have pages of exercises to fix that. The question is, when will I do them? Add them to the very long To Do list. But I will.
Today I went to the memorial event for Pam McConnell at St. James Cathedral which, it turned out, was organized by my dear friend and neighbour Richard, now working at City Hall. And beautifully organized it was too. The church was filled to overflowing, so they had canopies with tables and chairs set up in the park next to the church, with the sound from inside piped out, and that area was full too. Pam was indefatigable, as the speakers were saying, a fierce fighter for social justice and equality. Now my neighbourhood is without her vital spirit, and also without our provincial rep Glenn Murray, who has quit to take another job. In Ottawa we are represented by Chrystia Freeland, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who's got a few other things on her mind beside Cabbagetown. We are orphaned.
My daughter took Ben to the Police Services Board meeting yesterday, to be part of the protest about the police treatment of black youth in the city after a boy was brutally assaulted by two off-duty cops and the case was shoved under the carpet. She amazes me. One of Thomas's sisters had a baby recently, and one day last week, Anna and Thomas's mother took six young children, the sister's four older kids and Anna's two, to the zoo for the day. Six energetic and often difficult children at the zoo - my idea of hell. But that's what she does.
Tomorrow, a special treat - the bus to Stratford, to see three shows, my favourite musical Guys and Dolls, the Bakkhai, and The Breathing Hole. I'll send a report. Unfortunately, I'll miss our dear Prime Minister who was there today, not to see a play, just to have a tour of the theatre and charm the pants off of everybody. Carol will be holding down the fort here at home.
Happy end of summer, bloggees. May there be many fresh organic cucumbers in your life too. And if there aren't - have I got a cucumber for you!
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