Tom Thomson, anyone?
Harder to work when the sun’s
out, but the morning was rainy so we did get stuff done. When Chris went out to do
errands, Sheba took full advantage for a little nap on his bed.
Later, Patsy came to
get me; we had supper at the Surf pub with the most glorious view of ocean, mountains,
passing ferries - and a seal.
I ran into a couple Chris and I had just met at
Drumbeg. “Where’s your husband tonight?” they wanted to know. “Say hi to Sheba.”
Patsy and I were there
for a “Reading and Reconciliation” literary event, two indigenous writers discussing their
books, hosted by Shelagh Rogers who lives here. The discussion was particularly
terrific because one of the writers, Patti
LaBoucane-Benson, half Ukrainian and half Metis, who runs Native Counselling Services in Alberta, spoke of her
graphic book, The Outside Circle. About
a violent young indigenous man who enters a healing warrior circle, learns the
history of his people, and manages to heal and change, she says it is nonfiction
based on her work. Its powerful story illuminates First Nations history and
life, and Patti was extraordinarily articulate about what’s needed to change
our society, to “dismantle the colonial foundation of systems of despair.” “We
don’t need Indian agents,” she said. “We need caseworkers to walk with
indigenous people on the healing journey.” Amen.
The other writer was Monique Grey Smith, author of
“Speaking our Truth,” also interesting. A moving and stimulating evening. And
then the ride home on the nearly empty roads lined with thick forest. Not what
I’m used to after an evening at the IFOA.

But I’m sure he’s had enough of this intruder, and it’s
time for me to go to Vancouver, my re-entry point to city life, and then, next
Saturday, home.
Sounds absolutely divine. I can imagine myself making great progress on my own writing project if I were in a log cabin with gorgeous trees all around. And silence. And fresh, clean air. And the ocean not far. On an island. Out here in the dangerous big world, we woke up this morning to learn that the US, UK and France are bombing the hell out of Damascus.
Yes, Juliet, unfortunately the news gets to Gabriola Island too. There's no escape from the madmen out there. But it's true that being surrounded by trees and ocean helps forget them for a bit.