It's 12 degrees today - like spring! I sailed along on the bicycle, overdressed in mitts and scarf. If only this would last. Hard to hate global warming when it means that winter is actually warm.
I was on my way to the Art Gallery to meet Anna and the boys. The AGO has got a wonderful art room for kids and art stations throughout with great stuff to play with, not to mention the spacious Gehry corridors and staircases, which small boys ran up and down and along. There's delicious mac and cheese in the cafeteria and a fabulous playground in Grange Park round the back. In between, we managed to squeeze in the Anthropocene exhibit - Burtynski's giant photographs of how human beings are destroying the planet. It's epic and depressing but also mesmerizing, as Ben found out in a 20 minute sequence of a train going through a tunnel bored right through the Swiss Alps.
I left the boys screaming with joy down the big slide, kissed their marvellous mother, and hopped on my bike for a spring-like ride home.
Around here, I'm settling into the new normal - men in my house from 8.30 to 4; bangs and crashes from upstairs; me sleeping in the basement. Kevin has repaired some of the damage done on the termite hunt, so the dining room doesn't look quite so destroyed. I can live with this. The past month has been a long trail of tension and concern, really quite terrible for me - I who love routine and who love my house suffering the total disruption of both. I was frightened about money, about decisions, about everything.
First world problems, I know. Anyway, I do feel calmer now. Sort of.
Relax into the blow. I'm getting there.
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