Perky is back! Good sleep on the third floor, bounced out of bed and began to sort and clean. Yes, lots and lots to do, overwhelming sometimes, because the morass here also points out just how much crap loiters in every room of this house. But I am sifting and pitching as I go.
A busy day - one tenant coming to learn the laws of the land, then Kirsten coming to take my great-grandmother's wedding dishes that no one in my family wants,
(click to enlarge)
then dear friends Suzette at 2 and Lynn at 5 coming to see the reno and check in. Still many lists, and still have not begun to think about packing. Much much laundry. Much much sorting and cleaning. But - there's hope. A grateful, busy heart.
Some pix - remember, unfinished, getting there:
But first, the office, which has a way to go - but at least is getting cleared of beds and shelves -
My first grown-up linen closet!
The little Matisse room for guests and grandsons.
My closet. Fab.
Blue bedroom coming together.
The third floor - an improvised shelf on the south side, for now - an Ikea trip needed when I get back. You can't see the mini-fridge to the left, and my teak university desk under the skylight.
My bed for now - on Tuesday, Leonie from Montreal moves in for a week.
The main joy is the atrium, the landing at the top of the stairs now cleared of various ceilings and graced with skylight and west-facing window which were there but invisible. Hard to photograph.
You know there is only one thing to say at a time like this: Glad to have breath in my lungs. Onward.
PS Tenant #2, moving in April 1, just saw her room on the top floor. When she was last here, we were in full turmoil, and she and her dad asked dubiously if it would be habitable. Today she said she was "blown away." And so was I, nearly, literally, by getting it done. But it's habitable.
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