From the "very nice emails to receive" department, this came in from a woman who took my course last term and was a participant in So True last week. Makes me happy to read her words.
I thank you so much for your encouragement and belief in me. The shame that I have long carried in association with writing is quickly being banished. Early on I was not considered creative and spelling was my nemesis (it still is but - spellcheck is now a thing). This meant I believed writing was not for me, even though I badly wanted to write stories. I can now see this belief was a result of the narrow constraints of the school curriculum and early teacher's opinions. I now understand that writing and storytelling is a skill that can be honed. Thank you for this gift.
You're very welcome. That's what they pay me the big bucks for. LOL.
Last night, old and dear friends Suzette and Jessica came for dinner and to see the renovation, which they had both advised me about. We've known each other for a long time and had much to discuss - past, present, and future. A great pleasure.
Today, after teaching at U of T, I cleaned the house with Nicole. Tomorrow a family arrives to live here till Sunday. At 5.30 I'll go off to Ryerson with my suitcase and after class will go on to Anna's to spend the night, leaving from her place on Thursday for the airport and thence to Vancouver and a new twelve day adventure. I'd rather not, to tell you the truth, but there you go.
No, there I go.
The house is spotless, laundry done, I'm packed, have run the garden essentials by Shani from the basement who will water (if necessary, if it ever stops raining), Jade on the top floor will bring in the mail; let's hope this complicated little downtown ship keeps chugging along.
See you on the other side of the Rockies.
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