I'm sorry my daughter is sad and angry today. She's fiercely idealistic, a social justice warrior whose friend from grade school was running for the NDP in her riding; she worked hard for his campaign. He was a terrific candidate, tho' the Liberal who won is a great guy also. But nothing will console her today.
I think it was a victory for Canada and Canadians. We sent the far right party packing, and the nearly as far right Cons, though they made gains, did not win. SNC, "blackfacegate," all the stuff they threw at Trudeau did not deter people from picking a leader who is flawed but progressive. Pundits are saying the Libs didn't so much win as the Cons lost. Fine. I'll take it. Trudeau will be able to pass legislation with the backing of the NDP, which ensures an even more progressive direction in the future.
The CBC's map showed how divided this country is - the prairies solidly Con, the urban areas solidly Liberal or NDP, Quebec solidly Bloc Quebecois which focuses only on Quebec issues and is ominously separatist, the north NDP, and other provinces splatterings of all. A poor showing for the Greens, once again, not because Canucks don't care about the environment, but because they also care about other things and want a party that can address several issues at once.
There's nothing I can say to make my daughter feel better. She wants Canada to move far to the left and especially to fix Indigenous issues immediately. I agree with her, that would be ideal. But let's remember the millions of people who voted Conservative, who oppose any climate policy and want pipelines built immediately, who even opposed Trudeau's apologies for the injustices done by previous governments and want Alberta to separate. Somehow, he now has to govern them too.
Incredible relief that Andrew Scheer was sent to the corner to sulk. As my friend the playwright Paul Ledoux wrote about him on FB,
The zombie-eyed dimple-machine’s whole campaign was rife with lies, stupidity and Neanderthal pleas to return to the golden era of Stephen Harper. What a small-minded, petty creep. I think to a great extent people saw beyond the smile. Unfortunately the west bought his snake oil and chugged it down assuring they will have no place at the table when the big conversations about the future of the country are taking place. This is a tragedy for us all and will make it very hard for the Liberals to move the national agenda forward.
True. But let's worry about that later. And on the other hand, Michael Coren on Twitter:
Lower turnout than 2015, nasty campaign,
lost seats,
failed to win what should have been their race,
didn't break through. Bad night for democracy and the major parties. Only victor was Bloc.
Okay, I swore to go on a social media diet today, but ... it's gloomy and damp and I'm interested in the commentary and ... Tomorrow. I promise.
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