Well, it's true what they say: what a difference a day makes. I woke as usual at 5.30 a.m., but instead of getting up way too early, I stayed put and eventually drifted off for another hour, was not waterlogged by too little sleep all day.
The sun was shining - that alone was enough to help the day take off.
And there was an email in my inbox about the manuscript - the publisher wants to move on it and quickly. So suddenly, after months - well, more than a year, really - of either nothing or NO, there was talk about the title, the subtitle, the cover, the pictures. Lots to decide, but it is moving through the birth canal at last. Thanks to the gods. Let the pushing begin.
Downstairs, they were supposed to come move out more today but did not appear or get in touch. That's nothing new. The clearing will be endless. But the family member and I are emailing again.
Had a coaching/editing client come over for a distanced meeting on the deck - a student ten years ago, a beautiful, vibrant woman now back for more punishment. And another friend wrote asking for my editorial services. Since I've lost teaching and rental income, coaching and editing is vital work for me. And of course, soon, there will be a fortune to make with my book. I've registered for an online course called "Marketing for Creatives"... A fortune, I tell you!
LOL. Onward.
Had a Zoom piano lesson at 2 which was mostly chatting about life because I haven't had much time or inclination to practice. But Peter is wonderfully kind and supportive. And then wine with Monique at 5 and banging the tambourine at 7.30. Chicken sandwich for lunch and roast chicken with veg for dinner. And thou. Another busy day.
Sometimes I feel simply insane with the limitations of this new life. WHY AM I STUCK IN HERE AND WHEN CAN I GET OUT? WHERE IS EVERYONE? And sometimes I marvel at how well we've all adapted to the new normal, the masks and hand sanitizer and constant hand washing, the steering far around each other on the sidewalk, the lack of touch and face to face contact, the underlying paranoia and concern about loved ones and the world. While, as we have for over three years, we watch with horror and disgust what is happening in the country to the south. Sometimes - a report on the Rohingya - I have to turn off the news, I cannot bear to listen. I know, that does not help.
All I can do, we can do, is to give what we can, to be kind, to care for each other. To nurture the green. And for me right now, yes, to learn some marketing for creatives and get my book into the world.
Sure. Just what the world needs. Another book.
I'm going to ask my body nicely to give 5.30 a.m. a miss tomorrow morning. See if that works.
What fabulous news about your book, Beth!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Theresa. But - I'm not getting too excited yet. Maybe the murder hornets will somehow upend the publishing process. It's been that kind of year.