Apocalypse in Toronto - such torrential rains a few hours ago that the city is paralyzed, cars are flooded and abandoned, the lower Don Valley Parkway under water, parts of the subway out, huge swaths of the city without power. And I was ensconced in my house only half an hour before all this happened.
Thank you, powers that be. If I'd decided to take a flight one hour later, I'd still be at the Ottawa airport, and might be there for the night. Airports are in total chaos, of course. Instead, I swanned home in record time and watched the sky erupt.
And one of my skylights erupt, with water dripping onto the dining-room floor. How is it possible that this house still finds ways to leak? And yet it does.
The treat: Sam and his lady had come over to cook for me (also to watch cable TV since he doesn't have it yet), and Anna, Eli and Eli's cousin Dakota had gone to the new Regent Park swimming pool and to Riverdale Farm and so came over too, arriving just as the downpour began. So all those I love most were under this leaky roof as Armageddon struck. A blessing. And all of us to help care for the small ones. Eli found a big umbrella and began to push the end of it around the living room floor, under the coffee table and around. I realized - he was vacuuming! He's his grandfather's grandson. My ex was mad for vacuuming. I - not so much.
A successful trip. Spent some great time with Auntie Do, still fiercely independent though in need of more help than she'll admit, as a little clean out of her fridge proved. Spent some great time with my brother Michael and his partner Emilie. Spent some great time with one of my oldest sweethearts. And got home safely just before the world went mad.
the inner layer of abalone
19 hours ago
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