A small boy at the Battle of Passenchendaele - background at the War Museum in Ottawa
At the end of our more than five hours on the train today, the woman across the aisle took Eli's hand and said, "You were such a good boy - are you always so quiet?" My jaw dropped and I said, "Really?!" It was a long hard journey for a small boy with a bad cough who'd been through the wringer - back and forth, several beds, many relatives, not nearly enough interesting places to climb. The whole trip is a blur; we were at the centre of a tornado - Hurricane Eli. But he WAS a good boy, if exhausting, stubborn and extremely opinionated. How can someone who wasn't even on the earth 3 years ago be such a fierce and commanding presence? But then, he's his mother's son, and the force of her personality shone through from birth.
It was worth it all to watch Do and Eli make friends and to spend time with one of the last links to my English past. We are close to the second anniversary of my mother's death on Christmas Day 2012; I'm grateful that her sister Do is soldiering on, as Mum used to say. The other day, she told me, a curtain came down and she got out her stepladder and tried to put it back. "I was fine," she said. "I put my phone near the ladder in case something happened."
We had a visit with my brother and his son and beautiful wife across the river in Quebec; he and I are still dealing with my mother's estate, some disagreements trying to get it done. We moved another step along this time. Anna, Eli and I ended up staying at his house last night, the 3 of us in their spare room, and at 4 a.m. my mind was still racing as I dealt with all that stuff. Family - not easy. But then - what is?
I'll tell you what is - COMING HOME.
the inner layer of abalone
10 hours ago
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Miss faith, I'm from USA. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is genuine and real. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing Garvin, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. I found consultant.odia spells and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Several days later, my phone rang. Garvin was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to how much I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn't brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it. It will bring you a wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be." you can contact the spell caster on ogbonispelitemple@hotmail.com he's very nice and great.