We had a rehearsal Thursday for our next "So True" reading event - 8 moving, powerful, sometimes hilarious stories, and me. So much truth for a mere $10 and two hours of your time on a cold Sunday afternoon - does it get better than that? Details on our website sotrue.ca.
Beautiful sun today despite the cold, which isn't as extreme. The city is at its most hideous, however, with mounds of filthy snow making the sidewalks nearly impassable. But I'm not complaining. "Je constate," as the French say in a most satisfying expression which doesn't have a good equivalent. I'm stating. Noting, not bitching. Because there's nothing to be done about winter and filthy snow. It is. Even if I have forbidden my Vancouver friends to talk about their @#$@ daffodils.
Last night - the second last episode of the second season of the British thriller "Broadchurch." The first season was superb, the second not so much - plot points wandering all over the map. But still, you can't beat those British TV artists for committed acting, stunning scenery, briskly moving story. Last night ended on a cliffhanger, and I realized I'll miss the finale because I'll be in Ottawa next Friday, so I went on-line to find out how it ends. Thank God for the internet, once again.
My family is mourning the demise of the great Leonard Nimoy, one of the nicest people, apparently, on this planet and any other. I am not a trekkie, I liked him because of his obvious gravitas and kindness and his humble beginnings in the Yiddish theatre and love of Yiddish. Perhaps he was in one of my great-grandfather's plays, who knows, but he certainly would have known who Jacob Gordin was. He speaks online about knowing how to play half-Vulcan Spock because of growing up Jewish in Boston - always an outsider. A lovely man.
And yesterday, Wayson held a Chinese New Year dim sum for his friends. Anna and Eli came, and Eli impressed everyone with his appetite for rice and Chinese beef. Then he and I went to the library where we sat near a sunny window and read many books. We took out one of my favourites, "The story of Ferdinand," the peace-loving flower-loving bull who refuses to fight. If only his spirit could infect our world, dear lord. If only.
Now - many lists. I leave in less than 3 weeks for my 5 week adventure in Europe, and have much to do, including my taxes. The climb to departure day always seems insurmountable. But then it comes around, and off I go - out of the crusty snow, landing in Paris. Seems a dream right now. But I'll be more than ready when it's time.
quotidian lines
13 hours ago