A perfect day in beautiful downtown Vancouver. I am almost fully recovered from whatever hit me yesterday - nerves? exhaustion? or as friend Gretchen suggested, the flora in my stomach readjusting to a new ecosystem and time zone? Anyway, I had a great sleep, the sun was shining, out into the world.
But first, to recap last night - Chris and I have been best friends since we met at the Arts Club Theatre in 1975, I an actress, he a stage manager, both of us voluble, bright, neurotic, funny and slightly manic - a friendship made in heaven. We went through a cocaine period together, our various romances and eventual marriages. After my family moved away in 1983, he and I have communicated across the country, through both our divorces, his HIV diagnosis and other health issues, and all the rest. Now we communicate largely through our blogs. How great it is when we are face to face.
He prepared a spectacular meal in his spectacular small apartment. Here we are, toasting him, a group of some of my dearest West Coast friends who are all in some way also connected to Chris and some also to each other:
Tara Cullis, environmental activist, who went to high school with Chris; Shari Ulrich, musician, who knows Chris and Bruce slightly through the theatre and knows Tara through benefit concerts for ecological issues; Bruce Kellett, music director for the Arts Club, a dearest friend to both Chris and me for years who knows Nicky through theatre work; Nicola Cavendish, actress, friend of Bruce and Chris from the Arts Club and also because many years ago, Chris wrote a play she starred in. Our host lavished champagne, the only alcohol he drinks, upon us, and then the meal itself appeared at his exquisite table. He has posted photos and description on his own blog, to the left; I urge you to check it out and salivate.
The evening was unforgettable - even more than food and surroundings, it was the company; the conversation was scintillating all night long, and there were many laughs. Thank you, dear Mr. Tyrell Loranger, for the many hours of hard work it took to pull this off. It was a triumph.
So - back to today, the sun, walking up Robson Street, a major shopping artery, had to stop at Lululemon which originated here in Vancouver and buy some yoga pants, poked about in other shops, and met friend Margaret at the art gallery for lunch. In the early 80's Margie and I were pregnant at the same time, twice; our kids are almost exactly the same age, so we always have a great deal to discuss. A wonderful lunch. Then a long walk around False Creek with Chris, stopping for a divine gelato and for Chris to take close up photographs for his blog. And I to take a few too, of him and this fabulous city, for mine.
We had a great time checking out the craft stores on Granville Island - Chris appreciates beauty and craftsmanship like no one I know - took the False Creek ferry across the water back to the West End, and ended the day talking for hours in his living room, while his gorgeous cat Leon sat purring in my lap. My friend and I are storytellers, and we have so, so much to say, always. Even without cocaine.
quotidian lines
17 hours ago