Tuesday, July 24, 2018

still crazy after all these years

First, thanks to all who wrote after the shooting on the nearby Danforth, to ask if I'm okay. We in Canada like to think those hideous events are the domain of countries full of unhinged lunatics like school shooters and Trump, not here. But sadly, we have our share of lunatics; we have Doug Ford, and we have gun violence.

Is there any flowering tree as indefatigable and glorious as the Rose of Sharon? Mine is bee heaven - swarming with them, as they zoom inside the fat flowers and splay themselves all over those generous white pistils, often two at a time, buzzing furiously. This is MY pistil, buzz off!

Today I went to see my shrink. My tenant Carol liked to go for therapeutic massages and acupuncture and other healing therapies. I have my shrink. It has been well over a year since I've talked to her, and today was the day. Only 50 minutes - had to talk fast! It's been nearly 30 years since I started with her, and there she is still, a little woman in a nice room, listening, listening, listening. Needed a tune up - feeling overwhelmed, under pressure, fallible. So lucky to have someone who knows me so well.

The renovation on Spruce Street is agony - day after day of drilling, sawing, hammering, huge loud machines. So much for my tranquil summer in the garden. I'm wondering now if it's a mistake to stay here. But surely it'll be over soon. And then my own reno will start.

Speaking of the tranquil garden, I've been getting nice notes about the workshop, will share a few with you:
Brad: I can't stress enough how re-invigorated I was by today's workshop. You work magic.

JenniferI can't thank you enough for your wonderful generosity in opening your home today for this gathering. I have never done anything like this in my life and it was an honour to be there. I have always had trouble getting out of my 'intellectual' brain and giving myself permission to write from the gut, and your encouragement (and the encouragement of nature) had a transformative effect. I will carry your garden with me everywhere I go now, and put myself into that space in order to 'pull down' the words that so often elude me at desks and in cafes. 

Marlane: I want to thank you for the wonderful day in your lovely home and garden. The writers and their stories were remarkable. You are a generous teacher and  hostess.  

Lynne: Sunday's workshop was truly special. You did a fabulous job of bringing a sense of calm and trust to the group, and wonderful ideas to get us writing! Thanks for all that, and the lovely hospitality in your home.

So - it works. Glad to hear it. And a bit of income in high summer doesn't hurt either. Especially with two little boys to buy ice cream for tomorrow, on our way to Ottawa. Happy summer to you all. Let's forget politics for awhile and concentrate on flowers and the ice cream running down some very small chins. 

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