Wednesday, December 28, 2022

hooray for Paxlovid!

Well, if you have to get really sick, the week after Xmas is a good time. Nothing on the calendar, except that I'm supposed to be at my exercise class at the Y right now. Laughing out loud.

I'm better, definitely, though not as better as I'd like. Some have said their bout of Covid was like a bad cold. This is much worse than a bad cold, though I'm sure the Paxlovid is helping; I slept well last night, after two previous nights of coughing. Got up hoping to have some energy. Made oatmeal, ate it, had to lie down for a nap. 

Just had to gather the energy to empty the dishwasher. Managed. Have started to put away Xmas. But getting dressed? Too much effort.

One of the worst things is the tinny metallic taste in my mouth. Everything tastes terrible. 

Yesterday, my dear friend Annie wrote to say she'd been feeling dreadful since Xmas evening. She thought, as I had, it was a bad cold. I told her, test! And sure enough, she too is positive. So I said, come on over, sit by the fire and we can breathe on each other. I hope she will, at some point. Another friend wrote when she read my blog, also just tested positive. It's cutting a wide swath, this thing.

One of our Xmas guests, Ben's Dad, has just tested positive. Merry Christmas, here's a nice virus for you. Sorry! Anna and the boys were going to come Friday for a sleepover. I guess not. 

Had taped the final episodes of His Dark Materials so got to watch them yesterday. It had incredible special effects, particularly the daemons - the animals that are part of human souls, so perfectly portrayed. The angels - surely some of the weirdest and most wonderful British actors ever. Yes, it does deal with the welcome end of a repressive authoritarian life-denying religion, but mostly, it's the love story of two brave, thoughtful young people, played by two spectacular young actors. Stunning. Loved it. 

Today's plan - getting better, managing to eat something, maybe being able to read and concentrate. Lighting the fire. Listening to the CBC. Two people have sent me bits to read and edit, so that's good; that part of my brain always works. MUST EDIT.

Hope to get to my own work. At some point. I'd planned to plunge into work this week. 

It'll happen. Just not today.

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