Monday, March 23, 2015

Paris pix 2.

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The hat man at the puces
Parc Montsouris, much like a tiny Central Park
 The market in Gif - we took one of those giant long breads and nearly finished it in a day
The first white asparagus of the season! A big deal.
The fishmonger.
 Les fromages. Be still etc.
 The view from Michele and Daniel's balcony - beautiful countryside as far as you can see, and spring flowers just beginning
 Daniel le fou qui joue du violoncelle
 The cheese for dinner.
Le couple prepare les asperges blanches - you have to peel them, and then they're so tender
At the bottom of their garden - a field of horses. Magical. Great to get out of the city that's roaring by right now.

Now it's five o'clock and I can go back to the apartment because the workmen are leaving. I will see if I can stand it - going out every day asap because of the noise, then back at 5 when it's quiet and there's no internet and I can work. I must work, because there's nothing else to do except watch dreadful French TV. Or - well, yes - explore more of Paris. That will come.

Incidentally, my train trip to Gif was entirely free there and back - all trains free all weekend and Sunday too because of pollution.

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