Monday, August 11, 2008

"Facts and Arguments"

I have an essay coming out in "Facts and Arguments" in the Globe on Wednesday - making it about two dozen since the first in 1994.  900 - 1000 words is such a good snappy length - make your point and move on.  If only more papers and magazines were interested in the personal essay - between me and my students, we'd have hundreds ready to go.  This one is about my children, as many have been, and strangely, that very day my dear ex-husband and his wife will be in town, coming here for dinner with the kids.  I'm going to tell him that this is a common event, that articles about our children appear weekly. 

I've had two emails from Paul McCartney fans who found my blog and requested the longer version of the concert.  One was from North Carolina and one from Halifax, where I grew up. Paul fans, unite!  I read in the paper yesterday that the only place in Canada that has had more rain this summer than Toronto is Quebec City.  And yet that day, the day that mattered, the weather was perfect.  I do suspect that our Paul has a direct line to ... No.  I'll stop there. 

Still two or three places left in the August 24th workshop.  I will continue to offer one monthly on the last Sunday of the month till winter - September 28th, October 26th, November 30.  It may be that by the last one, we will not be in the garden.  We can be pretty creative in the house too.


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