My little paradise - bits of the garden, the deck, and the patio at the end of the back 40. (My property is nearly 200 feet long. Told you - it's my own personal park.)
lines in winter
10 hours ago
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Gorgeous. I'm green with envy. I'd love a garden like that some day, but I can only do a very little at a time due to my carpal tunnel and fibromyalgia.
ReplyDeleteWe must have the same face because I am constantly having total strangers come up to me, swearing they know me from somewhere! Very odd.
Mary, it is gorgeous, but it is also a lot of work, something else to worry about and spend money on. So just as well you don't have a big garden.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear the same thing happens to you, because sometimes it's spooky, and I wonder if I'm living a double life without knowing it or something.
Perhaps we are.