Friday, July 22, 2011

my new love

I'm writing on an extremely beautiful piece of machinery - my brand-new MacBook Pro. Happy Birthday to me! Oh the tidy patter of these crisp black keys, the lustrous glow of the shiny aluminum body ... I must think of a name for her. I did immediately, however, screw her up - following the machine's instructions, I installed my email, which immediately proceeded to download every mail I've sent for months - thousands. My guess is - that was not meant to happen.

Amazingly, as if in protest, the instant this spiffy beauty entered the house, MacZine stopped working. I mean, the instant - she was working this morning, and when I returned from the Mac store, she stopped. Her space bar has frozen, her screen is a disaster - if I try to scroll, things move about randomly if they move at all. Until the invaluable Chuck arrives tomorrow to help me transfer - how will we transfer if MacZine is frozen?! - I cannot access any of my files. Maybe that's a good thing. The new girl is making me think about new work.

I'm sorry, MacZine - you were invaluable for more than five long years, my lifeline to the planet. And now there's someone else in my life. Que sera, sera.

Today's heat not so terrible - hooray for cloud cover. My scarlet hollyhocks are popping open, the goldenglow and the black-eyed susans, even as the tiger lilies and the clematis sigh their last. Ebb and flow. One computer out, another in.

And ... to stop navel-gazing for one tiny moment, I am so appalled by what's happening to this city, I've just written a letter to the Editor. Why are we even deigning to discuss cutting libraries, night busses, WheelTrans? Inconceivable, that we've sunk so low. The barbarians are not at the gate; they're sitting in City Hall.

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