Friday, October 24, 2014

Booth 1033

The ZOOMER SHOW - Booth 1033. That's where I'll be on display tomorrow, under the sign that reads "BETH KAPLAN, AUTHOR." I'm right opposite the Rose Theatre from Brampton, whose impressive display features videos of their performances, and I am very close to the Main Stage where the Beatles tribute band will be playing tomorrow at noon.

During my childhood, when we were travelling and strangers asked my scientist father what he did, he used to reply, "I'm in the soft-shell crab business." I understood - he just didn't want to get into an explanation about cell biology and experiments with yeasts. Well, today is as close to a purveyor of soft-shell crabs as I have ever felt. The Zoomer Show is for businesses, heavy-duty businesses with giant displays of cars, storm windows, sliding shelves and drawers for clutter management, at least one funeral home, various spas and the Reliable Living Centre - what a great name. Nothing like a little reliable living.

And tucked in a corner is Beth Kaplan, author, with two card tables and folding chairs provided by her handyman John, blow ups of her book covers scotch-taped to the curtains, her collection of Beatle t-shirts on hangers, a framed picture of Paul McCartney that she has cherished since 1964, and some books. I am author, hear me roar.

After. That's the blur of Michelle, my trusty assistant, who's guiding me through all this. Tomorrow, the books themselves will be out of the boxes and on display. Woo hoo.

My student Carol told me yesterday that she had a booth at the Zoomer Show once to sell her memory game LifeTimes. "People are mostly there to pick up free stuff and don't want to buy. But it'll be great exposure!" she beamed. We already met the guy unloading stuff for the Rose Theatre, Brampton, who wanted to talk all about his love for the Beatles and who certainly did not want to buy a book. So. It'll be an experience, in all likelihood a never-to-be-repeated one. Beth Kaplan and her soft-shell crabs. Buy one today!

Day Tripper, ABBAMania, yoga, food&more. Zoomer Show TO Oct 25-26. Free tickets: $12 @door
I'm feeling awful, so am thrilled that our set-up took an hour and now I have the day to finish editing Sunday's pieces while sitting in the sun. I will move as little as possible. It will be a busy weekend - soft-shell crabs all day Saturday and possibly part of Sunday (though secretly I hope not), then Sunday afternoon, So True, at which I'm doing a 20 or 25 minute spiel.

Go lie down, girl.

However, they're ripping up the street right outside the house with pneumatic drills today, who knows why, and the noise is terrible. Yesterday I got out of bed to go the the Metro Central YMCA's 30th anniversary celebration - I've been a member there for 29 years. Think I'll go to my beloved Y and sit in the steam.

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