Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Benedict and Jon get married

BIG snowstorm - I gather the entire Eastern seaboard is inundated. Light is fading and snow is pelting down. Time to pour a glass or six of wine, turn up the heat, put on the big old fluffy slippers and give thanks to almighty God that I don't have to commute in a cold, dark storm. Thank you, almighty God.

For those who didn't catch the Daily Show last night, the divine Benedict Cumberbatch was on with the divine Jon Stewart. I overheated - two of my favourite men on the planet, sitting across from each other. Jon was like a schoolgirl with a crush; he asked Benedict to marry him, but BC said, "You're a bit late." He just got married to some incredible woman, like George Clooney's wife, beautiful, accomplished, brilliant etc. etc.

As are  we all.


Still, it's amazing that this man is such a star - he's not particularly good looking, he's cerebral and eccentric and almost all his roles are about strange men doing strange things. And yet he's elegant, sexy, extremely clever, and utterly appealing. I'd ask him to marry me too.

Well no actually, I wouldn't. But I'd love to have dinner with him - and Jon - on a regular basis. Once a month, say, along with a few other favourite delicious men, including Macca. Be still my beating heart.

Oh grow up. Time to practice the piano. That will keep me warm, as warm as my fantasies. Though this, below, makes me cold. Have I mentioned how much I hate him?
Yes. Bring it back. 

P.S. Something to look forward to - I just bought a ticket to "Let it be: a celebration of the music of the Beatles" on Valentine's Day 2015 at the Sony Centre. A concert of very good musicianship, apparently. Not the real thing, as some of us were lucky enough to see in 1965 and 1966. But great comfort in the middle of winter. Three months from now. Sigh. 

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