Tuesday, August 3, 2021

having her cake and eating it too

Today I worked on Zoom with a fine student writer, who said, "I won't ask you how you are - I read your blog." It's funny to meet people who know far too much about my life. She said, "I couldn't do it." Reveal herself, as I do. I guess it comes easily to me because - I'm not sure why. Having been an actress? Keeping a diary since I was 9? Maybe earning my living convincing writers to reveal themselves?

I don't teach again all month. A welcome break. 

Not much to reveal today, except that I had a wonderful birthday party. My happy, demonstrative personal chef came over to barbecue ... 

Anna came with the boys, my other daughters Holly and Nicole, my dear best friends Ken and Annie. Sam and I had made and cooked all the food in advance, so it was very relaxed, we just had to heat it all up. Even so, I was exhausted by the end. But very happy.  Hope my guests were too. 

Today, a beautiful day, working on an essay, watering, eating leftover chocolate mousse cake, and taking my first piano lesson in months. He made me play the first, easy movement of the Moonlight Sonata twice. I know it by heart but forget passages, my fingers forget, and then it comes back. Somehow, despite my clumsiness, it feels like a piece of my soul, the best of me, flows through those fingers.

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