Tuesday, April 11, 2023

it's summer in Toronto, for now at least

We're stumbling around in bewilderment here in Trawna: it was 20 degrees today, 23 or 24 tomorrow. Glorious. Mind you, I had a long bike ride today and the wind nearly blew me over, but the sun was heaven. It's concerning, though - people are planting, buds are budding, and I'm sure winter will return at some point, at least for a bit. But for now, thanks to the gods. I think winter is like childbirth - once it's over, you forget how gruelling it was because the next bit is so lovely. 

I rode out to have lunch with dear friend Rosemary Shipton, who was the chief editor of the huge Mass Casualty Report on the RCMP's handling of the shooter in Nova Scotia. The report details the close links between domestic violence, intimate partner violence especially, as they call it now, whereas it used to be called wife battering, and mass murder. It shows how through the years the police and the RCMP barely responded to women's calls for help. I told Rosemary, because the report is so hard-hitting, and thanks to her so well-written, it will make a huge difference in the lives of Canadian women.

So that's all - sitting in the sun, gardening, visiting with friends, starting taxes, still working on the ms. Here are a few miscellaneous things to share with you. 

Bought a $20 clock recently, made in China, that has a button you push to illuminate it at night. Sometimes as I lie awake, I like to know if it's 3 a.m. or 6 a.m. Here are the instructions: This alarm clock parts precise, don’t strong hit, shake, don’t put it under high temperature, wet, dusk or erodent air.

As Ned Flanders says on the Simpsons, okeley dokeley! No erodent air for my new clock, I promise. 

My friend Danny Kushner, whose scientist/writer father Donn was a great friend of my dad's, sent me a picture today. My dad could be a joyful guy with a wonderful sense of humour, though his jokes were often so smutty as to be unrepeatable. 

And here are some faves:

Love. Agree 100%. Let's appreciate being alive. Happy spring!


  1. Nice pic of your dad (Gordin) - Í also knew Donn Kushner - thanks!
