No, that's not true. My dear friend Bruce is in New York right now, and we've met there before - we have similar tastes in art and enjoy each other's company. "Come and play," he begged. I like to go once a year to visit Cousin Lola, who's now 88, and Cousin Ted and other cousins, not to mention the theatre and everything else NYC.
So I got a cheap fare on some flybynight airline and am off for a few days. Just trying to pack the minimum in a carry-on - for someone who took 100 pounds to Paris last year, you'd be amazed at how little I'm taking, all of it black, with lots of bright scarves so I don't look like an Italian grandma. No definite plans, except to see relatives and spend time walking around with Brucie. And the weather's supposed to be wonderful. Woo hoo!
My new tenant Susan will be keeping the hearth flame alight, feeding crabby cat who scratched her the other day, and taking in the stream of newspapers and magazines that flood in here daily. I hate to leave this lovely day to spend hours at Pearson being tested for explosives, but a few days hit of NYC is always a treat. So ... you'll be hearing from me, probably not from there, but once I'm back, with lots and lots of Noo Yawk stories.
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