Thursday, April 12, 2012

yesterday's shots

This is what I brought with me for a five week trip, which includes fancy meals, hot weather and cold. Not excessive, no? With 2 more sweaters, 2 jeans, yoga pants, lined raincoat, accessories - scarves, jewellry, too many shoes. What's so @#$ heavy in my suitcase, then? I weighed it yesterday - the suitcase itself weighs 6 kilos. Then add books and papers, and we're in trouble.

An amazing nearby toy store I've never noticed before - l'Epee de Bois,
the wooden sword - packed with marvellous toys. Oh oh - this grandma-to-be is in trouble. What fun.

A pretty visitor yesterday, miaowing on my window sill. No admission.

The first after dinner cheese plate: chevre, tomme de brébis, conté.
A still life.

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