Yesterday, I went to one of my least favourite places on earth, the vast Eaton's Centre mall, where I returned the sweet gift of diamond stud earrings from my son, which I don't need, and bought instead a pair of comfortable black walking shoes, which I do. Ready for the next trip to Paris. Thank you, Sam.
Last night, PBS showed the Kennedy Centre Honours, a yearly event in which the President honours great American and world artists: last night Al Greene, a ballerina, Lily Tomlin, Sting, Tom Hanks. I was watching the wonderful film "The Wind in the Willows," with the usual great British actors as Toad, Rat, Mole - Bob Hoskins as Badger, hilarious - when the show started from Washington and I thought I'd watch a bit. But I couldn't switch back - it was beautiful, well-written with unforgettable performances, the incredible Jennifer Hudson singing Al Greene and Lady Gaga belting out Sting, who had tears in his eyes.
And in the middle of the honorees, the President of the United States and his wife, looking more relaxed and open than they have for years. If you didn't read the newspapers and instead watched that show, you'd believe that the U.S. has no race problem, so seamless was the mixing of the races, performers black and white honouring each other. Too bad that's only true in certain places and on stage.
New Year's Eve has been a meaningless day to me for years - even back in the dark ages when I received party invitations, I was not big on New Year's Eve festivities, and now I don't receive any invitations at all. I'm planning to go to the Y - it's Wednesday - and read and work. Maybe I'll watch "A hard day's night" which is being shown on TCM, though I've seen it forty times already.
Usually I don't read horoscopes, but I did read my horoscope for the year, printed in the Star, which couldn't be much better.
Leo: Lady Luck rides with you into 2015. As of late, you have been very lucky (no kidding!) and that magic continues through August 2015. You have entered one of life's peaks, which means you can manifest what you desire. You are entering a 12-year luck cycle, and the first year is one of the most fortunate. (Woo hoo!) Decide what you want to add to your life, as you will be very much in control of your destiny. (A healthy babe in July - that'll do.) You will have a great time creating more of what you want.
Come late August, or any time in the following months, you could hit the lottery or get a pay raise. (Maybe we'll finally sell Mum's condo.) By mid-2016, you will be witnessing an upward swing in your finances. (Well, they couldn't go downward very far, so upward is the only way. Maybe the memoir will sell more than 74 copies. Be still my beating heart.) Travel and foreigners will be fortunate for you all year long, because it will drive you to learn about other customs and ways. (How to cut French cheese - I'll practice again next year. Maybe one day I'll get it right.) This knowledge could play into your life later, if not this year.
A twelve year luck cycle! Surely I'm in the middle of it already.
Happy New Year to you all, and a joyful, productive and healthy 2015. Thank you for following me on my journey. Onward.
PS. Got the Globe horoscope: It tells me "You've spent enough time thinking and planning, now you must get on and actually create something that brings lasting fame and fortune."
Time to write the next memoir. Lasting fame and fortune for moi!
quotidian lines
16 hours ago