So - the new normal, going through the day, busy, coping, but every so often seeing something in the news, hearing the radio, a glimpse on TV of some hideous political travesty south of the border - digesting it, trying not to feel sick, sick, sick. Then moving on, because there's no choice.
And intolerance cuts both ways. Dear friends have been posting scathing things about Trudeau on FB because of his recent pro-pipeline decision - one, a cartoon of Stephen Harper removing a Trudeau mask and crying, "Surprise!" Come on, people - he has done 100 fine things and this, which has made the huge province of Alberta very happy. He is tending his base on all sides; he's a politician, that's his job. That doesn't mean he in any way resembles Harper. GET A GRIP.
Instead of bemoaning - too much bemoaning, these days! - I would like to share some major cuteness with you. This is Elijah's first big letter to Santa. May I remind you, he is a mere 4 1/2. Be still my beating heart.
And this, a quote of his from Anna's FB page:
"Mum, when I was in your belly I made a book shelf for when Ben was in there. I left books, but I don't remember which ones cause I was just a baby. Also, I left kinder eggs with toys for him. But I ate all the kinder chocolate. I love kinder chocolate."
Love. It's genetic, the love of bookshelves! And chocolate.
Off to Ottawa soon to visit Auntie Do. It's cold here now - yes, it's here, though far from full blast yet - and will be colder there. Sam will be tending the home fires and eating everything in the fridge. The good news is that now, amazingly, thanks to a gift from Rogers, I have Netflix on my computer. I will be able to watch "The Crown" from my tiny airbnb room. Yay. Welcome to 2016, slowpoke. Maybe I'll never read a book again.
And now, more wine. Cheers, my friends. Have you written YOUR letter to Santa yet?
redux: a mythos, squared
2 hours ago
I agree that Justin T. is NOT Harper but I have to disagree about the Kinder Morgan Transmountain pipeline. It's crude bitumen. Tanker traffic would increase from 8 to 34 over a monthly period. And given the delay and lack of preparedness in the Seaforth Channel when an empty barge and the tug pulling it sank, polluting clam beds, eel grass areas, vast areas of beach -- well, I don't have faith in any government infrastructure to oversee the inevitable damage and its aftermath. (Remember Husky Oil in Saskatchewan, just last July?) I'd like to see the same enthusiasm dedicated to alternative energy sources, to adding value to what we have (exporting crude bitumen is a bit like exporting raw logs: if other countries want our product, it seems so shortsighted to not create as many jobs as possible adding value). And our disappointment out here -- and I have to say that everyone I talk to about this, Liberal supporters among them, think it is sheer folly. So we'll see what happens. It might be a game changer. On the other hand, what a dear letter from your grandson. And what books would on the shelf? Amazing imagination!
ReplyDeleteI understand, Theresa, that for people from B.C. it's a betrayal. And for people from Alberta, it's many jobs and an investment in the future, at least, as they see it. I have faith in Trudeau, as a forward-thinking man, to eventually drag many reluctant citizen into a new way of looking at energy. But I am not surprised that as a practical politician, he is trying to show that he can and will stretch in all directions.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, for a very energetic boy, he loves to stop moving periodically, climb up and hear a story.
Eli, I mean, not Trudeau.