Friday, March 20, 2020

Day Five

This morning was blissfully mild and sunny. Line dancing was great fun, as always - Gina is the most upbeat person ever - until a sudden rainstorm sent us running home. I ventured to No Frills for groceries; there was line outside, only a few people allowed in at once. Some empty shelves, but plenty there - one woman with a cart loaded with, yes, toilet paper. Saw a cartoon on FB today: two dinosaurs looking up in horror at a large round object hurtling their way. One says, "It's an asteroid!" The other says, "Quick! Let's buy toilet paper!"

We're all just getting through here, so if massive quantities of toilet paper bring you comfort, go for it.

All kinds of funny and moving stuff being created and distributed online - it's marvellous. My U of T class is going to reassemble into an on-going writer's group. Bill wrote, in the group email, While we will be free of the tyranny of Beth poking at every last blemish, the best tribute we can pay her is to try to exert this tyranny on ourselves. Thank you Beth, and next time you go through customs you can say, like Oscar Wilde: ‘I have nothing to declare but my genius’.


The trampoline was good, I gather from the FaceTime this morning - much bouncing. When the rain came, Anna took the big box the trampoline came in and turned it into a construction site for Ben.
Many many emails and texts, plus the Star, the online newspapers, FB, Twitter, Instagram, and then back again. What's happening now? The latest Trump outrage, insulting a reporter, beyond belief. Lock him up! My local city rep, Kristyn Wong-Tam, sends out a newsletter every day, updating us.

I sent the manuscript to some of my home students, and one has been sending me her comments. Hard, sometimes, but vital. Being read is vital. Thank you.

Friend Lani sent a bit of money to my kids to help them through a hard time. What a kind, thoughtful thing to do. Thank you!

Since it was so mild, I invited several neighbours to come sit on my deck for a drink. Ruth came, though by the time she arrived it was cold again. So we sat in coats, six feet apart on the deck, drinking wine and talking of nothing else.

May have drunk a tiny bit too much wine.

Late this aft, Uncle Sam took the boys to the beach.
Tomorrow is Johann Sebastian Bach's birthday. That's all I've got.

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