Wednesday, March 25, 2020

distancing day 463

The Canucks are getting tough now, weeks after many other countries have put in place necessary draconian laws: mandatory 14-day quarantine when you come back from somewhere or fines or arrest, and all playgrounds in Toronto closed. This might mean the end of our small local pleasure - today, in the bright sun with a bunch of women six feet apart, figuring out where to put our feet in line dancing. Such fun. Perhaps gone as of now, though we'll see. We're not using the equipment, just there, and careful. Surely they're not going to arrest a group of local (older) women line dancing. But who knows.

It's like a squeeze around the neck, getting steadily tighter, the list of things vanishing from our lives, like hugs and city amenities. Lynn wrote that Mauritius, where one of her daughters lives, suddenly closed all grocery stores. Anna wrote today that we should all have a good supply of Tylenol - not Advil - and cough medicine in case we, like Prince Charles, get it. So I went straight to the drugstore, where there was still some Tylenol left, though supplies were low. Lots of cough medicine however. Bought hand cream for my well-washed hands and Lindt chocolate bars, because.

Tomorrow, a very busy day: at 11 Judy's cardio session on the playground, I hope, then at 1 Anna's friend, a single mother who needs work, comes to help me scrub surfaces; at 1.30 Jemal the window guy comes to check out the two windows that need to be replaced - might as well order them now since they take months to arrive - and at 4, a CNFC board meeting on Zoom. At 7, a choral fest online, if I feel like joining. And in between, as this funny guy says on Twitter,

Shawn Micallef
Well I have completed my morning's clicking and scrolling. Time for lunch and then I will get started on the afternoon's clicking and scrolling.


Read a review in the NYT of a book about the evil power of FB. Resolved to be even more vigilant in controlling the time I spend clicking and scrolling. It's addictive - and Zuckerberg knows that.

It was a lovely day and is going to get warmer this week, a blessing - daffodils coming up in the garden. Thomas says he's going to start planting soon. Planting - doesn't that sound normal and good?
Oh, and how can I forget the very welcome news I got today from the University of Syracuse Press, publisher of the Jewish Shakespeare book - that a royalty of $59 will be deposited in my US account. That's $59 U.S.! But - where can I go nuts with this vast influx of cash, except No Frills?

Here's the other music session from Ben Zander. Hope you enjoyed yesterday's. Sending you love.
Fauré Elegy

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