Judy Steed offered to teach a cardio class in the Sprucecourt playground on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, the days Gina is not leading us in line dancing. So 3 of us met there today and improvised a short workout, lunges, stretches, marching around the running track. Once again a toddler stood open-mouthed as the biddies did their thing. But we were together, laughing and moving.
Then Monique suggested a walk, so we meandered about the 'hood a few feet apart, jabbering in French, and later she came for l'aperitif on my deck, bringing her own wine and sitting six feet away on the other side of my table.
Had a nap b/c of waking so early. Talked to various friends and family, including hearing from Kevin Ball, a family friend from Halifax in the 50's who was featured twice in the Star and on As It Happens because he and his wife were stuck for awhile in Spain, now safely home quarantined in Nova Scotia. Received more edits from friend Sam - she is working 20 pages at a time, reading so carefully, a real treat, but at the end of each email I'm anxious to read what she'll say about the next bit. I listened obsessively to the radio and trolled FB, Twitter, the NYTimes.
Anna is writing her will. Practical and wise, but just thinking about it hurts.
So rightwing Americans have decided that grandparents should sacrifice their lives for the economy, have they? A stark example of foul Republican logic. But we fight back: #WontDieForWallStreet.
I'm determined tomorrow to get it together, stop wallowing in news, get stuff done. God knows, there are a million things that need doing. And knowing what lunacy is emerging from down below doesn't help me get through the day. So - as our Prime Minister said yesterday - That's Enough!
These grey days, I've not been photographing. But my friend Stella asked on FB, What's the oldest thing in your house? Send a picture. I was going to send a selfie, but someone else had that idea, so I sent this sampler, made by my British great-great grandmother Eliza Branson in 1846. One of my treasures. Hope you can read the poem.
Today's joy: a friend from high school, Louise, a cellist from Ottawa, sent two master class videos from a musician and teacher called Ben Zander. The young musicians are marvellous, and then Zander takes them in hand and turns them into something sublime, and delivers life lessons while he does so. For me, a lesson not only in music theory and expression but in teaching skills. I'll send one today and the other tmw. They both - what a surprise - made me cry. Thank you, Louise.
Bach 1st prelude
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