A quick post on a gloomy, rainy but mild Monday: here's a great video entitled "Why I dance" to bring you joy.
There's nothing I love more than dancing; for years, I've been looking for a place in Toronto that has great music and doesn't mind weird grey-haired women flinging their bodies around. Please let me know if you know of such a place. When I get to Vancouver, I'll go to Boingboing at the Western Front with Jane Ellison, who has fabulous music and lets us loose.
Here's an article I agree with - "I shower once a week and you should too." Yes, I shower and wash my hair once a week, most often at the Y, and yet people do not run screaming from the room as I approach. At least, I hope they're not just being polite. We're over-washing and wasting tons of water.
And here's family - Auntie Do at nearly 96, wearing my mother's dove grey cashmere sweater, and Eli at nearly 4, building a magnificent Duplo structure with his dad. "Can I smash it now?" he asked, when it was built. And with the greatest pleasure, he did.
Lots to do: I leave in a week for a month away - in Victoria, Vancouver and then the Creative Non-fiction conference in Banff. Such a relief, this year, that I'm only going thousands of miles across the country, not the ocean. I'll still be home, in a sense, not to mention that I have dear friends in Vancouver or nearby and lived there for a long time myself. Hope to reconnect to a past self.
In the meantime, I am trying to finish this draft of the memoir and get it to a few readers. I think seeing it in a strange new place will help me find the flaws, see what's missing, what's needed, and my readers will tell me that too. And all that while walking the seawall and meandering on the beach drinking in that salty air. And then Macca! There will be dancing. Lucky woman.
Neck Crisis: I Give Up
6 hours ago
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