The whole Jian affair is making me feel a bit sick. Now two women have laid charges and the Toronto police are involved. Are we going to put this guy in jail? He's already a pariah, his life destroyed by his own brutish heedlessness. What's going on - in the media and on Twitter - is a pile-on, a merciless takedown. There's so much glee in his precipitous fall.
I love and respect the Toronto Star, hounder of the hideous Fords, but their enormous headlines and photos : PR firm dumps Ghomeshi over 'lies': are going beyond good journalism. The other article on the front page yesterday was about a political couple in Mexico involved in the narcotics trade who are responsible for the massacre of scores of students.
I know this will be an unpopular sentiment: I feel sorry for Jian. Yes, it's possible to feel compassion for someone without excusing his behaviour. The man is sick, no question. He's not a murderer, not a child molester, but he is a narcissist, a bully, an egotist and a liar.
But let's not conveniently forget, just wipe out the years of pleasure and pride he gave us from his perch at the CBC, as he interviewed every interesting person and A list celebrity who came through and did so with intelligence and grace. We all enjoyed not only the talk but our new sense of Canada at the forefront of meaningful adult discussion. Canada, hip, edgy, out there.
The chase after fresh scandal meat is becoming savage. Perhaps the man is irredeemable; perhaps he will never understand that what he did to women was vile and very wrong. But I still thank him for his years as this country's premier broadcaster.
I'm just saying that we can be appalled by certain aspects of a man's life without turning into a lynch mob. We are all flawed. If you and I suddenly had limitless power and fame and adulation, if every door we approached was flung open to us in admiration, what might we be capable of? How might we lose sense of decency, and our own fallibility, and the rights of others?
quotidian lines
15 hours ago