One of my most faithful readers emailed today from Quebec, to let me know she's sorry I have abandoned the NDP, at least for this election.
The political landscape has been changed here forever in Quebec by the NDP. Young people, women, immigrants, people coming out of retirement to serve as deputies in the House. There is hope here in our province for change and evolution. I proudly stand with the work of our party and the militants who continue to rally us all to the best we can be. I am sorry you cannot support the NDP candidate in your riding, and I hope you will receive my own notes from the campaign trail as fodder for your deliberations. It is not a cult of personality, but a movement of people, in solidarity and affection with all Canadians. Good luck on Monday with your candidate. May she serve you and the people of Toronto well. But for me and my house, we're going orange all the way to 2015. I read you every day, and love your words and reviews, and BooBoo is the bomb. I felt I needed to pipe up.
I understand and appreciate this sentiment, and thank her for her passion and commitment. My parents were lifelong members of the NDP and would approve. I can't, though, vote for someone I don't like much, especially because this time, I can vote for an equally good candidate in another party which is not a bad party. But there will be guilt.
Bliss: an interview in the Star today with the Deputy Mayor of Toronto. He is a dignified, knowledgeable man, a former historian with BOOKS IN HIS OFFICE. Moving right along.
Monday, a single sentence
7 hours ago
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