A bike riding weekend in the sun - on Saturday, after buying apples at the market, off to Corktown Common, a great new park at the foot of River Street - with a great playground, Eli, here we come. And on Sunday morning, a long ride on the Don Valley Trail in t-shirt, jeans and sandals, knowing that soon, oh so soon, this will not be possible.
I know I always say this but I'll say it again - these scenes are a twelve minute bike ride from the financial heart of this great city!
Then straight to a funeral at the Necropolis nearby for neighbour Larry Lake, a musician and musical mentor at the CBC. Our little bit of Sackville Street was heavily represented. Larry's much younger wife died suddenly a few years ago, so their daughter is now an orphan at 15. But, we found out afterwards, very well looked after and doing fine, considering. A collective sigh of relief at this end of Sackville Street.
And last night, yes, I watched the season finale of "Breaking Bad," even though, having not watched more than a few minutes for the entire five seasons it was on, the import of what was happening was lost on me. It was great drama, though - just like Greek tragedy or Shakespeare, the end of a tragically flawed figure amid lots and lots of deaths. For some reason, I can't get involved with most American series - even "Sopranos" or "Mad Men," any of them, except "The West Wing," which was as much an addiction as "Downton" or Jon Stewart. Otherwise, I skew to the Brits.
Class starts at U of T this week - a nice full class, and my home class too. Recently a friend and I were talking about my work and she asked how I was going to fictionalize a certain story. Fictionalize?! I cried, in horror, thinking, how little she knows me if she thinks I'll write fiction.
Onward - to the truth.
our daily bread
15 hours ago
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